How to Improve Cybersecurity in Your Home Office:

How to Improve Cybersecurity in Your Home Office

By Guest

Learn some straightforward tips to improve endpoint security for your home office.

4 Practical Ways to Keep Your Home Safe While You Travel

By Guest

If you’re traveling for the upcoming holidays, here are some quick and easy tips you can use (in addition to monitoring your Control4 Smart Home from anywhere!) to help keep it safe and secure while you’re away.




When integrated as part of a home automation platform, a smart security system can provide extraordinary peace of mind and help your home run like a well-oiled machine. In addition to controlling more obvious security-related devices such as electronic door locks, surveillance cameras, and motion sensors, they can also keep your home safe from environmental dangers and infrastructure-related issues with sensors that report flooding, power shortages, and extreme swings in temperature.


Going Away for the Holidays? Keep Your Home Secure with Home Automation.


If you’re braving holiday travel this year to visit relatives, good luck to you. Seeing family and loved ones is what Christmas is all about, but the getting-there-and-back part is always a bit stressful (and sometimes headache-inducing). Imagine being stuck in the airport, or grounded by a blizzard, and worry begins to enter your mind; Did I remember to arm the house’s security system? Did I leave the garage door open?...


I’m busy, you’re busy, we’re all busy—living.


If you are a busy, on-the-go person like me, then you know that communication and time management is key to making it all work. That’s why I love discovering and playing with new technology and apps that help me stay connected and organized. Live your best life with smart-home technology.


Smart Home Security: Smart Locks, Mockupancy, Cameras, and More


A smart home means more than just convenience—it means safety, as well. Secure your loved ones and your home by monitoring and controlling security cameras, locks, alarm systems from your mobile devices. You could even have your home simulate occupancy to deter mischief and crime ​while you're out of town.


The ‘Intelligent’ Home Investment


The dominance of these rising generations in the housing market is reflected in a recently heightened demand for smart homes. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 42% of real estate professionals note that their clients have expressed interest in smart home devices. This interest is only bound to increase as smart technology becomes more universal among consumers.


CHECKLIST: Some Helpful "To Do's" Before You Take Off


Going on vacation is all about getting away from reality. When you’re sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand and a drink in your hand, you don’t want to spend a single moment wondering if you emptied the trash or left the lights on deter would-be burglars back home. As important as it is to be prepared with everything you need for your trip, it’s just as important to be certain things at home are taken care of at home while you’re away.


How to choose the right home security system


According to FBI statistics, there were more than 1.5 million burglaries in 2015. As a homeowner, this might be alarming—especially for those who have families. There are several measures people take to help keep their homes and families safe.


Smart. Safe. Secure.


The FBI reports that in 2014 we had 1,121,416 residential burglaries nationwide. Spacing those out evenly across the entire year gives us one burglary every 28 seconds. But here’s the good news: that number is down 10% from 2013. In fact, that statistic has been steadily dropping each year since 2011. Not coincidentally, by 2011, more than 75% of U.S. homes were connected to the Internet. Wireless home monitoring was the new trend...


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